/I'm heading home from the 2013 Academy of Management meetings. A conversation with Howard Lewinter (TalkBusinessWithHoward) put a spotlight on the gift of being in a lifelong profession. Academia has always been a social business; we live and die (publish or perish) by building on and sharing the work of others.
This conference was a tough one as the venues were far apart, but by last night I had been able to at least wave at many of the people I owe the most for their ideas and conversation over the years. Twitter has a #ff (follow friday) genre of post where you share with your followers other people you think deserve to be followed (and I never have enough space). Here is my #AoMC2013 "follow Tuesday" list. Each of these colleagues does "actionable" research. No ivory tower dwellers here.
- Manju Ahuja - Virtual communities
- Howard Aldrich - Entrepreneurship
- Linda Argote - Group & organizational learning
- Steve Barley - Impact of new technologies on work
- Kathy Chudaba - Work in distributed environments
- Nosh Contractor - Science of networks in communities
- Kevin Crowston - coordination, organizations, & IT
- Robert Eberhart - Entrepreneurship
- Janet Fulk - Communication & organization
- Pam Hinds - Effect of technology on groups
- Jerry Kane - Social media & business value
- Paul Leonardi - Technology & innovation
- Peter Monge - Organizational communication & networks
- Anne Washington - Information search in public policy
- Tammy Madsen - Strategy & competitive dynamics
- Ann Majchrzak - Information systems, agility, and ingenuity
- Maggie Neale - Negotiation & team performance
- Robin Pinkley - Corporate negotiations
- Greg Northcraft - Management and organizational behavior
- Sumita Raghuram - Technology enabled work
- Carol Saunders - Overload and virtual teams
- Zur Shapira - Managerial risk taking
- Christina Shalley - Employee creativity
- Sim Sitkin - Leadership
- Jennifer Woolley - Entrepreneurship
- JoAnne Yates - Communication, information, & technology
- Ray Zammuto - Institutional change
This is by no means a complete list of the colleagues who's work I respect and use (pick any of my papers and you can get a feel how broad that list is from the references). These are just the few I had a chance to catch up with this week. For a list of professors active on Twitter, take a look at Top Professors on Twitter (and thank you to LDRLP for including me in this list).