Become a Founding Subscriber to Talent, Technology, Technique: Your Systems Savvy Edge


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I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my new monthly newsletter: Talent, Technology, Technique: Your Systems Savvy Edge. This newsletter highlights the pivotal elements of my 5T framework for organizational success: Talent, Technology, and Technique. These three Ts, when integrated with your Target and aligned with your Times (we certainly live in dynamic times), create the foundation for effective work design and digital transformation. 

I build on my decades of research and practice in organizations from the Fortune 500 to startups to help you navigate the complex interplay between people, systems, and processes to achieve meaningful results in today's rapidly evolving landscape.

Once a Month

Each month, I'll share perspectives on how leaders and their teams can develop "systems savvy" – the ability to understand, select, and effectively work with a variety of organizational and technical systems. 

Beyond My Blog Posts

You'll receive exclusive content that goes beyond my blog posts, including early access to research findings, practical tools for implementation, and curated insights that show the 5Ts in action.

You’ll Remember When

Becoming a founding subscriber means you'll be part of a community of forward-thinking leaders who understand that organizational success comes from thoughtful integration across all dimensions of work. There are no silver bullets. To join this free monthly newsletter, simply enter your email (and accept the email subscription link you’ll receive). I look forward to helping you and your organization develop the systems savvy that gives you a competitive edge in these complex times.