I'm honored to be the 12 Books author for August. 12 Books is the largest business book group in the world and provides one on-line discussion per month. Twelve books in 2012 and I'm the eighth author to host. Sounds auspicious. We'll open August 1 with on-line discussions and close August 30th with a live webinar discussion.

Here's a video version of the invitation:


12 Books is hosted on GoodReads, but you need to register at 12BooksGroup for the full experience (free)... Including books giveaways and other bonuses.

Speaking of bonuses

What would be a useful bonus from The Plugged-In Manager? We're talking about discounts to workshops but that only has great value if your near where the workshop is. As you read the book, what did you wish I'd included on the website or as an appendix? Would you like to see me do a Kahn Academy-style video of analyzing a situation with the BUILDER framework? How about a quick checklist for hosting more plugged in meetings?

You Don't To Wait Until August to Get Involved

You can dive in on the July webinar with Greg Link, author of Smart Trust: Creating Prosperity, Energy, and Joy in a Low-Trust World. Click here to register. Or, tweet your thoughts to @12books or to me, @terrigriffith We're looking forward to the conversation.