/Short updates from Day 2 of the 2011 Enterprise 2.0 Conference in Santa Clara. (I promise in-depth analysis after it all sinks in):
- Gamification and mobile collaboration companies are doing exciting things. Bunchball, Badgeville, and DoubleDutch are all pointing game mechanics (points, leader boards, badges, achievements [my summary]) toward changing behavior inside organizations. (They also support companies working with their external communities.) Badgeville's Kris Duggan talked about "behavior lifestyle management" and the BunchBall crew walked me through interesting possibilities for integrating short tasks, what I like to call mystery missions, with outcomes. For a my prior thoughts on DoubleDutch HYVE, please see this WebWorkerDaily post.
- Genentech is redsigning how they do drug trails using greater transparency (where appropriate) and more collaboration.
- Tom Kelly, CEO of Moxie Software and Jonathan Schwartz, CEO of Picture of Health, worked with Sameer Patel to talk about the future of enterprise 2.0. Making a point that people and organization are key to the process, Jonathan said, "You can have an engaged employee base and they can communicate through sticks and twigs."
- Kevin D. Jones gave an inspirational talk on failure that deserves its own post. As a tidbit, see this video.
- Molly Graham said of Facebook's use of social performance platform, Rypple (prior post here), "It's very familiar to us. We're a constant feedback culture." This is the quote I will be taking back to my own organization (we're very early in the collaborative process): "The natural interactions, if you know the people you work, with makes you faster. There is a speed that comes from relationships."
..and I had a fantastic time meeting, Claire Flanigan, Greg Lowe, Mike Whitmore, and many other on-line colleagues face-to-face for the first time.