Annual meetings for my largest professional organization. This year's focus: Making Organizations Meaningful.
"Organizations occupy a central role in the ways we live our lives, for better and for worse. They enable us to be more efficient, to access goods and services faster than ever before, and to share information and experiences across the globe. And yet, they are not unproblematic. Recently, there have been highly publicized corporate scandals, Wall Street corruption, and failures of government to meet the needs of its citizens, with a resulting rise in public distrust and questioning of organizations’ reasons for being. We often take as given that an organization’s purpose to produce economic value; and, although economic value can often add to social value, sometimes it does not. This disjuncture raises the question of meaningfulness." Click to learn more.
"Terri's depth and breadth of expertise is sometimes belied by the many ways she makes her detailed research and conclusions so accessible. An engaging speaker, she articulates her three-dimensional model of people+technologies+organizational processes in such a way that both the big picture and the specific opportunities are illuminated. I try to take in her presentations every chance I get!”